Picking up from where we left in our previous post, we will now install AWS Firecracker and configure Kata Containers to use it as their hypervisor.
Build Firecracker
Kata Containers only support AWS Firecracker v0.23.1 (yet). To build Firecracker, we will clone the Github repo and checkout to the 0.23.1 version:
git clone https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker.git -b v0.23.1 --depth 1 &&\
cd firecracker &&\
git submodule update --init
Now we can build the binaries:
Note AWS Firecracker uses docker to build the image, so make sure your user can access the docker daemon, or just run with sudo.
sudo ./tools/devtool -y build --release
toolchain="$(uname -m)-unknown-linux-musl"
sudo cp build/cargo_target/${toolchain}/release/firecracker /opt/kata/bin/firecracker &&\
sudo cp build/cargo_target/${toolchain}/release/jailer /opt/kata/bin/jailer
devmapper snapshotter
AWS Firecracker requires a block device as the backing store for a VM. To interact with containerd and kata we use the devmapper snapshotter. To check support for your containerd installation, you can run:
ctr plugins ls |grep devmapper
if the output of the above command is:
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 devmapper linux/amd64 ok
then you can skip this section and move on to Configure Kata Containers to use Firecracker
If the output of the above command is:
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 devmapper linux/amd64 error
then we need to setup devmapper snapshotter. Based on a very useful guide from docker, we can set it up using the following scripts:
set -ex
mkdir -p ${DATA_DIR}
# Create data file
sudo touch "${DATA_DIR}/data"
sudo truncate -s 100G "${DATA_DIR}/data"
# Create metadata file
sudo touch "${DATA_DIR}/meta"
sudo truncate -s 10G "${DATA_DIR}/meta"
# Allocate loop devices
DATA_DEV=$(sudo losetup --find --show "${DATA_DIR}/data")
META_DEV=$(sudo losetup --find --show "${DATA_DIR}/meta")
# Define thin-pool parameters.
# See https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/device-mapper/thin-provisioning.txt for details.
DATA_SIZE="$(sudo blockdev --getsize64 -q ${DATA_DEV})"
# Create a thin-pool device
sudo dmsetup create "${POOL_NAME}" \
cat << EOF
# Add this to your config.toml configuration file and restart containerd daemon
pool_name = "${POOL_NAME}"
root_path = "${DATA_DIR}"
base_image_size = "10GB"
discard_blocks = true
Make it executable and run it:
sudo chmod +x ~/scripts/devmapper/create.sh && \
cd ~/scripts/devmapper/ && \
sudo ./create.sh
Now, we can add the devmapper configuration provided from the script to /etc/containerd/config.toml
and restart containerd.
sudo systemctl restart containerd
We can use dmsetup
to verify that the thin-pool was created successfully. We should also check that devmapper is registered and running:
sudo dmsetup ls
# devpool (253:0)
sudo ctr plugins ls | grep devmapper
# io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 devmapper linux/amd64 ok
This script needs to be run only once, while setting up the devmapper snapshotter for containerd. Afterwards, make sure that on each reboot, the thin-pool is initialized from the same data dir. Otherwise, all the fetched containers (or the ones that you’ve created) will be re-initialized. A simple script that re-creates the thin-pool from the same data dir is shown below:
set -ex
# Allocate loop devices
DATA_DEV=$(sudo losetup --find --show "${DATA_DIR}/data")
META_DEV=$(sudo losetup --find --show "${DATA_DIR}/meta")
# Define thin-pool parameters.
# See https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/device-mapper/thin-provisioning.txt for details.
DATA_SIZE="$(sudo blockdev --getsize64 -q ${DATA_DEV})"
# Create a thin-pool device
sudo dmsetup create "${POOL_NAME}" \
We can create a systemd service to run the above script on each reboot:
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/devmapper_reload.service
The service file:
Description=Devmapper reload script
Enable the newly created service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable devmapper_reload.service
sudo systemctl start devmapper_reload.service
Configure Kata Containers to use Firecracker
Next, we need to install the Kata Containers-Firecracker configuration file. We will use this file to configure Kata Containers to use the rootfs image we built in our previous post.
sudo mkdir -p /opt/kata/configs
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0640 /opt/kata/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration-fc.toml /opt/kata/configs
sudo sed -i 's/^\(initrd =.*\)/# \1/g' /opt/kata/configs/configuration-fc.toml
# enable seccomp
sudo sed -i '/^disable_guest_seccomp/ s/true/false/' /opt/kata/configs/configuration-fc.toml
Make sure that /opt/kata/configs/configuration-fc.toml has an image entry pointing to the rootfs we created:
17 | image = "/opt/kata/share/kata-containers/kata-containers.img"
Configure containerd
Next, we need to configure containerd. Add a file in your path (eg. /usr/local/bin/containerd-shim-kata-fc-v2
) with the following contents:
KATA_CONF_FILE=/opt/kata/configs/configuration-fc.toml /usr/local/bin/containerd-shim-kata-v2 $@
Make it executable:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/containerd-shim-kata-fc-v2
Add the relevant section in containerd’s config.toml file (/etc/containerd/config.toml
runtime_type = "io.containerd.kata-fc.v2"
Restart containerd:
sudo systemctl restart containerd
Verify the installation
We are now ready to launch a container using Kata with Firecracker to verify that everything worked:
sudo ctr images pull --snapshotter devmapper docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest
sudo ctr run --snapshotter devmapper --runtime io.containerd.run.kata-fc.v2 -t --rm docker.io/library/ubuntu:latest ubuntu-kata-fc-test uname -a